Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Yes. Its not a post.
But whatever !
Its my birthdaay :D YAY :D

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Don't Know If I'm Getting Better , Or Just Used To The Pain.

I was sick of the rain. About time it stopped. I sat at home all day , watching the roads flood and waiting for the sun to come out.
I hoped for a rainbow , I hoped for a rainbow every time it rained. Guess it gave me hope. That it might be stormy now , but it really can't rain forever.
Sitting on the window sill , I drank a cup of hot coffee and read a corny Nicholas Sparks book , occasionally glancing outside the to see the raindrops racing down the glass of my window. I smiled silently , remembering how I cheered the raindrops when I was a kid. Betting chocolates on raindrops. The good old days. When life wasn't so complicated. When the definition of drama was someone breaking your crayon.
I often wished I could go back , back to the time when I knew who I was . Where I was headed . Back to the time when I had her. && Him. To show me . To teach me. To guide me.
It all started when my sister was getting married.
We lived in Cameron , Louisiana . It was a small Parish town and we just about the only Indian family in the town. So we decided to have the wedding at our hometown in India.
My brother-in-law to be lived in Mumbai , Maharashtra. My sister and I had grown up there , we had moved to Louisiana only recently , about 2 years ago. We had our whole lives in Mumbai and having the wedding ceremony there with our family and friends only made sense.
My brother-in-law Daniel and my sister Ashley had been high school sweethearts. Actually , they'd be dating ever since they were in 7th grade. Their love was the kind in books. They were like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly. They made complete sense to each other. Just one glance at them , and you could tell how madly in love they were.
Today , about 11 years later . They were still the same. They spoke on the phone , late at night like 16 year olds. She blushed whenever he was around. He did too. I always made fun of them , but secretly hoped && hoped I'd find a guy who'd love me as much as Dan loved Ash .
Dan and I loved not getting along. He was a very very close friend , considering how he'd been around when I grew up . But we just found pleasure in harassing each other , fighting for Ash's attention. He was a good sport . One time , I broke an egg on his head. My parents were grounding me for a week , when he came to my rescue && told them that he'd asked me to break the egg on his head, that he'd watched on TV that egg yolk was a good conditioner. BULLSHIT I thought. But my parents bought it.
Dan had saved me a zillion other times. Forging signature on my leave notes when I bunked school, helping me with projects for school. He was my older brother. One of my closest friends too.
Ash and I had always been close. She was never embarrassed of me in front of her friends , she helped me with schoolwork , with shopping , she gave me 'The Talk' , she practically raised me. Her friends adored me , sorry for the lack of modesty, but I was quite a cool kid .
So you get the part that we were pretty tight.
And that I was incredibly happy that Dan and Ash were finally getting married. That he'd flown all the way to Cameron on their anniversary , ignored his jetlag and decorated our front porch with lilies and vanilla candles, Ash's favorite scents. Poured out white wine && climbed through Ash's window at 4am , led her downstairs && asked her to marry him.
Ash's response wasn't quite movie-like. Well , it was horrible , in my opinion. She passed out. Yes. Passed out. I mean I know that its pretty surprising when your boyfriend turns up inside your bedroom even if he lives on the next street , this guy appareated from continents away. Then he leads you out in the open at 4am , forgetting that its America && people cannot wander outside in the pajamas cuz its pretty darn cold. && After ALL that , he proposes to you. I mean sure , the proposal should've been expected , but Ash wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.
So after all the shrill screaming that made me nearly deaf && all the melodrama && all the corny lines && all the sloppy kisses she finally agreed to marry him.
Three months later , we were in India. The wedding date was fixed for the 16th of September . Ash && I always thought September was the most romantic month . That was a month away.
Invitations were printed , venues were booked , tons of shopping was done, food menu had to be decided , invitations were sent . The guests started arriving a little too early. This always happened in Indian weddings. We had booked two whole hotels for the guests coming from various parts of the country . A couple of friends were coming from the States too.
The wedding atmosphere was all over && as Indian weddings go , the girls family has to arrange everything. Though , Dan's family was more than helpful , being family friends for so long and everything.
The day arrived. There were more than a thousand guests . The wedding was held at the finest , most expensive hotel in the country . Ash looked ravishing , like something straight from heaven. We had the similar good looks. We would have passed as twins if only Ash didn't look slightly older than me .
Dan looked amazing too. I always thought of him as a brother and never noticed how.. well... hot he was . Which was quite :P My brother in law to be was extremely good looking. The last time I noticed that he was sort of gorgeous was on the night of their senior prom. But there was something about today. He looked ecstatic . Like this is all he wanted in life. && after today , nothing mattered. Living , dying he didn't care. Ash was his , it was all he ever wanted.
The wedding was a busy event. I was attending to everyone , making sure everyone is comfortable. Reapplying Ash's lipstick every 20 minutes. Finding relatives who might know each other and introducing them so they wouldn't get very bored. Checking Ash's hair. Posing for photographs etcetera.
I would be lying if I said I was glad it was over. The celebration. The annoying aunties leaving sure made me happy , but I would miss that chatter. I would miss the fancy clothes I was forced to wear the last couple of days . I would miss associating with people I barely knew but was related to somehow. && most of all , I would miss my sister. My best friend. Ash.
But I knew I could come visit any time. && so could she. I was pretty sure I'd get to see her at least once in two months. I better be able to, or I'd kick Dan's balls off.

Ash's birthday was a week after they were returning from their honeymoon. We decided to stay in Bombay until then . Ash && I were always together on our birthdays , the thought of actually not being around at 12am , giving me the perfect present , and making fun of how I was a year closer to gray hair && wrinkles was something I dreaded. 

Ash had bought me lots && I mean LOTS of things on her honeymoon. I guess presents made up for the time I lost with her. Yes , I was rather materialistic :P
Meanwhile I had shopped for her birthday too. I had made a huge collage of our pictures . Pictures from the day she was born , the day I was born , our first birthdays , our football matches , our annual days, to her wedding. The pictures that didn't fit on the BIG frame were put in 6 scrapbooks. Boy, did we love love clicking pictures. 
I also bought her lots of clothes. && shoes. A girl can NEVER have enough shoes. && I bought her lots of sexy lingerie :P Now that she was married , it was acceptable to gift her this :P
&& tons of other things that I don't remember now :\
I was aware that this might be the last birthday we had together. A year later she might even have babies && stuff. Ew. Gross. I was too young to be an aunt. Ash , Dan && I were going to have a serious talk about how they can't have babies if I'm a teenager -.-' 

So Ash's birthday plans were made. Dan && Ash && their close friends would go out for dinner && stuff on the night before her birthday. She promised me that she'd be home before 12am , so we could be together then . && on the night of her birthday there would be a huge party. Family , friends , old aunties who no one actually liked , everyone :)

It was almost 11:30 && I was waiting for Ash to get home. My mom had told me not to keep my hopes very high . That Ash wasn't very likely to turn up before 12 && that she had to be with Dan , it was her first birthday with him && how I should learn to share her && let her live her own life && some other shit that I didn't even bother listening to .
11:45 Ash wasn't home . But I wasn't patient. Mom was probably right. It was her first birthday married to him. But it was also her last birthday with me. Be patient . I thought.
11:50. She better be on her way by now. Dan drove FAST. Like FAST. Some people called it rash. But he was in one piece & so was his car , so whatever. They should be here soon.
11:55. I was standing at the balcony . Phone in hand , what if Ash called to say she was stuck in traffic or something? 
11:57. Should I call her? Theres no sign of her .
11:59. Okay I might be getting a little restless but WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?
12:00. I dial her number with shaking hands. I'll wish her happy birthday && she'll tell me she'll be home in 2. Yes. 
12:02. I've called her twice. WHY is she not answering?
12:10. I've called her && Dan about a zillion times. WHERE ARE THEY?
12:30. I am going to go wake mom up. Shes half an hour late :@
12:40. Mom tells me to go to bed. I am going to wake daddy .
12:50. I'm waking daddy up . He tells me that I should let him sleep. 
12:52: I accept defeat && I'm walking outside daddy's room when his phone rings. I rush to his side hoping its Ash.
We need to go to the hospital right now he says && walks out of the house like a zombie. Just like that. In his nightclothes. I yell at mom && run after dad.
The hospital? I'm starting to get worried.

My sister died on her birthday. She died with the person she loved the most. She died because she didn't want to disappoint the other most important person in her life. Me.
They had been a little drunk. && they had been late. && Ash knew how disappointed I'd be if she wouldn't come. 
She told Dan to drive fast. He did. He drove rashly. He was drunk. The car ran into the divider with a lot of the force. The street light fell on the car. The steering wheel had sunk into Dan's chest. Took them hours to get his body out. Ashley looked beautiful even in her death. She had no scars , no bruises on her body. She died instantly. Of brain haemorrhage. 
The other two people in the car , were sitting behind. One of them slipped into a coma for 3 months. The other survived with small fractures.

I sat at the hospital for 6 hours. Couldn't talk. Couldn't move. Couldn't think. 
Hoped it would all be a bad dream. That I'd wake up with Ash screaming at me about how I fell asleep on her birthday night. Dan telling her to cut me some slack && winking at me with that stupid smirk.
That didn't happen.
They lay cold. Lifeless. 

I still think of them. Everyday.
&& I want them to know that they'll never be forgotten.
They're IMTF<3

------ The End ------

I'm sorry if the end is a bit all over the place. I really wanted to finish this. && there is ganpati visarjan in the next building to the loud drums wouldn't lemme think :@ But yeah . Hope you like it :)

R.I.P Jigu Di (: i miss you :(

I won't go so far to say that I'm fine too much of what I felt for you remains.

I'd like to believe in the healing hands of time but the truth is ,

I really can't say if I'm getting better or just used to the pain.

Much Love<3

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Wedding.

At weddings, when everyone turns to see the bride enter, I turn to look at the groom. Sure, I’m curious about how the bride looks. Whether she has let her hair down, or tied it up? Is her dress pretty? Her shoes? But I keep my anxiety under control and look at the groom. The look on his face. It is either pure happiness, joy , love, lust sometimes. Even pain or sorrow . He’d wear it only once in his entire life. The day the love of his life becomes his .

It was a cold January morning . I was dressed in a light pink strapless dress , my hair let down . I was really happy about the way I looked. I couldn’t say the same about how I felt . It was HIS wedding after all. I don’t know why I was there anyway. I was feeling nauseous and I was staring at the floor and I wanted to run away. But I didn’t move. I sat there. I looked up slightly as the flower girls entered . I caught a glimpse of him . He looked plenty happy . He was the most gorgeous groom I had ever seen. He was the most gorgeous guy , actually . His Greek god looks, his lean body , his piercing green eyes, the dimples when he smiled. I stared at the floor again . I had a floating feeling , the butterflies in my stomach exploded . Just like they always did when he was around. But this wasn’t that. These butterflies turned into a knot in my stomach. It hurt. The floating feeling made me want to throw up .

I had imagined this before. His wedding. This was exactly how I had dreamt. Only I would be behind the door, wearing the gorgeous white dress , ready to read the vows and promise to spend my entire life with him . But somewhere we went wrong. We were once so strong ..

The maid of honor made her way to the altar. My stomach churned . Out of habit. Or curiosity. Whatever you term it as, I looked up. I couldn’t help it. I saw all the heads turning to the back, to look at the ravishing bride .

I looked forward . At the groom . The groom who was the love of MY life. Who I had planned on spending forever with . I lifted my gaze and met his .

And to my utter surprise , found him looking at me .

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I just thought this sounded novel like (:

Dev : I gotta go somewhere.

Me : Running Away ?

Dev : Yeah I'm running away, whatcha gonna do ehh ? I will run away if I want to ! Its my freaking wish !
I'm a quitter ! Deal with it, cuz frankly, I don't give s hit about it .

Me : You know what I'm gonna do ? I'm gonna watch you run away. Then wait for you to come back. No matter how much time you take .

Dev : How do you do it ?

Me : Do what?
Wait? Its easy Morison , just fall in love with a guy like you =)

Dev : With a guy who fucks up every time ? You still manage to love him that much ?

Me :Whoa ! Guess hes really got me hooked yeah?
Amazing guy , isn't he ? :D

The man who actually deserves you, is one who thinks he doesn't =)
I'm still waiting D :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to !*

Okay . I don't know if you're out there , somewhere reading this . I don't know who you are . I don't know anything except for the fact that I`m completely in love with you .

Dev, I have no idea why you had to run away . I wasn't giving you shit about calling or being fake .
Which btw, COME ON . You're a fake facebook account, how can you even TRY denying that ?
I was stupid to get into a relationship online, stupid enough to NOT get out of it when I figured you were fake .
Your whole family died , everytime I asked you to call a part of your body broke . Your pictures are Australian , your friends pictures. They are CLEARLY not the same people in all the pictures.
But this is not about that .
This is about how you gave me so much love in the past 7 months , didn't think I was worth the truth && then suddenly, one day , just ran away . Leaving me no way of contacting you .
I`m writing this cuz I HOPE you see this. I told you D, erasing yourself from someones life is not as easy as walking out the door .
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch - Remember Me .

Its Dear John D :) && I`m NOT Savannah . Imma wait . For the truth && for you .
I still believe in you , in us .
Which is probably VERY stupid of me , but its something I can't really help .
iloveyou Morison :(

Sunday, April 11, 2010

& Again !

yes yes

you come

türkey together sex

a lotof baby

turkish baby?

but dont forget ı am türkish man


but dont forget ı am türkish man

okay i will remember

and dont forget my dig very big

My friend is being strange :P






how are yu bakalım










do you turkish
















i am waıtıng


okay good.


sorry i am forgatten how old are yu








halo again


hii :)


sorry i am forgatten how old are yu

sorry i am forgatten how old are yu






okk good





muck muck ?

yes i want sex







I dont want sex


i am ne ar the zeynel

he is my best frıent


good for both of u


Get off the internt

and put you miniscule sized brains, not heavier than a marble. to some other good use, rather than sex alrigh?



23:47Önder is offline.

Turks !






how abut you


good about me .

about you?











how is your life


it is good

how is yours?


it is badd

no money no girl no sex eet.


ım very bored


Aww :(




Why no sex?

No slut ?



slut alot of but


why not?

23:40Zeynel is offline.

I may have been a little tactless here , but I wanted to see his reply ! Stupid Turk signed out on me ! :(